The song is a 12-bar long melody in F-major in 4/4 time, following an A-B-A form with melodic range of an 11th. Grand Duke Travis found the song so inspirational that he immediately declared it Westarctica's new national anthem, replacing " God Save Westarctica," which had served as Westarctica's national anthem in the interim. In March of 2018, while digging through some of her old files to help remember the "troubled times," the song's composer, Lady Thurston, shared the audio recording of her son singing the song while accompanying himself on the piano. The piece was essentially forgotten about after the various changes in power and by the time Grand Duke Travis returned to the throne in 2010, nobody in Westarctica's government was even aware the song existed.
"Westarctica, Land of the Brave" was written and composed by Lady Thurston in May or June of 2006 with the specific intention that it be performed by her son, Sean.